Serbian version:
Book are published in 2007, Court start indictment four years later.
So now you can go to jail cause you wrote about something
in past if court suddenly decided that they wish to use some of names
from yours material as witness?!
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
in past if court suddenly decided that they wish to use some of names
from yours material as witness?!
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
by John Perry Barlow <>
Serbian version:
You can agree or disagree with this man. To support or not support his indictment, but the current - the second - indictment for contempt of court, violates all norms of civilization and the foundation
Second indictment for contempt of court was due to refusal of doc.Vojislav Seselj to remove the book from his web page. Specifically, the court said that it mentions the names of protected witnesses, although all 11 disputed names submitted to the Court that they want to testify publicly without protective measures. In one of the hearings, which regarding this issue, court show the faces of witnesses , but refused to hear them publicly! (Very thoughtfully, doesnt it ) In light of these events and the book is not forbidden to read, and since the foreign host-ironically-from America, which are not prohibited if the material does not violate the law and no organization can not remove the same, the gentlemen from The Hague came up with the idea to prosecute a contempt of court, or in other words, remove a book or we will imprison you . The real question is what's so horrible and what the court actually considered, and why not allow public testimony, we already face these people , court show them to us. What would they be able to say at a public hearing, which was transmitted live, and whose a real reason for such action of court.I ask all who read this-post repost, blogg, reblogg, download these book and set it from your own computer , if you need , create a blog just for that. They cannot shut us all. It's time to people get some answers and the courts start to act and obey to the laws of civilization- JUSTICE ARE BLIND FOR THE NATION AND RELIGION.ITS ONLY HAVE EARS AND MUST OBEY INFRONT OF FACTS. COURT MUST ANSWER TO THE PUBLIC, NOT CENSORSHIP, IF SOMETHING IS NOT TO BE PUBLIC THAT MUST BE SAY LOUD AND CLEAR OTHERWISE IT BECOME INSTRUMENT OF INTERROGATION OF PEOPLE . Do you think that Hague will rise indictment against us, Ooo I would like to see that :)
doc. Vojislav Seselj dosnt accused for any crime against humanity . ICT runs process again him for VERBAL ACT ?! He spent 4 years
in detention before trial start. 2011th is 9th years of his detention and process isnt finished yet.
Hague instrumentalization of false witnesses!rapidsave%7C3582577688-4212572351 OK SO YOU PLAY NOT QUILTY |
ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia) was formed in The Hague crudest violation of the Charter of the United Nations by the Chief of military-political body which is obliged to strictly abide by its provisions in carrying out their own responsibilities, and to prevent the violation of other entities. This is a committed international crimes, a direct consequence of the crime, the product of violations of the Charter. The main initiators of this was the United States who wanted to find a way to justify their anti-Serbian propaganda (which shows the number of Serbs prosecuted and convicted in relation to the other - which is called in front of prisoners, although only the accused, and thus create public opinion and in the basest manner violates a fundamental tenet of justice trial, prediction of innocence). The court was constituted, in the form of ad hoc tribunals, the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory since 1991. year. The very idea of creating an international criminal tribunal that would primarily pursued the war crimes is very old, although international crimes to the Roman court never formally specified or codified, nor do they have specific sanctions for perpetrators. Rather than join the United Nations the establishment of universal court that would apply to citizens of all member countries, education is a special court which has jurisdiction only for the perpetrators of international crimes in the former Yugoslavia, the speed of the codified old and only the proclaimed norms of international law, arbitrarily prescribed sanctions that allow a judge's incredibly broad framework affiliation between the mildest and most heavily, thus preventing the start of the policy of balanced and objective punishment. Such a court was formed despite the fact that the United Nations has worked extensively on establishing a permanent international criminal court, and the International Law Commission at the request of the General Assembly, already prepared and submitted for public discussion a draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind and the draft Statute of the International Criminal Court. After all, Article 5b of the draft declaration of independence and impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and the adjudicator and the independence of lawyers is expressly noted that "no ad hoc courts can not replace the legal jurisdiction of the courts."
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