

Friday, November 4, 2011

Importance of Being IĆ

 Just thought at least one calm weekend, fine whether

, over average for this time of year, when the speaker shouted from the screen

"Sarajevo under alerts  !!!!!!!! "  What now? What kind of mermaid? Earthquake in Turkey passed, a cold wave of floods and volcanic eruptions are

in West, nothing was said for East.

But that wasn't actions from God, Sarajevo came under terrorist attack,the U.S. embassy precisely. On television is not sure what was happening,

so I decided to plunge to Twitter and find if there is anything about this.

Unmistakable! There is everything, from multiple angles with all the footage of the shooting and the controversy that has largely moved on all


Some of that footage was so upsetting for some viewers, yeah right, that during the day disappears with lightning speed, but also with same

speed be appearing on the Internet

After speculation has injured, no injured, was alone - wasn't alone, and put some media in situation that only an hour several times changing the

titles of their internet edition

I decided to do a little peeking in the comments. I have always been more interesting that than the posting articles or videos.Somehow give a

true picture of what listening to people's mind.

So I start to read. At first everything seems normal, nothing unexpected,

Some are justified, others are wondering, the third and fourth do not believe,

but this is only first glance. I didnot moving to the second page and it starts.

So one says:

He is certainly disturbed, but why?  If we had the REPUBLIC Sandzak, that he did not have to escape to Austria fearing genocide on the territory of

Sandzak. In the rush of blood by any chance a normal life. Certainly he would not made such stupidity.


Go to Novi Pazar and  shoot there you mother fuck

This is a Serb ... 100% paid for him to do something like this, now he is Muslim (Wahhabi) yeah right ... just to be Muslim terrorists , Do not

let Palestine independence etc etc ...

And all that in that style. These are not Bosnians, that come from Serbia. I look read, so I thought  it is only in this shot. And so all relaxed

move on. I think, more than obvious that people are somehow trying to wash themselves. Unpleasant it is. Only few years ago these people were

national heroes. Alija was importing them and not only that he give them Bosnian passports also

and America is all beautifully blessed, as Christian

And now they become the real problem on one side from another they still are a national hero, and how to explain to your classmates  why  yours

national heroes are shooting at them. Serbs somehow the closest and easiest to extraction. And we are neighbors, and who will help you if your

neighbors don't. So I found the peace in mine head  and move on,let me see what mainstream world press writes about it in these clips anyway a lot

of ours party and rest or world cry at loud

Qua Passa, What happened, Can somebody explain, please!

At the moment I felt sympathy with all pll who are found themselves lost in translation.

So I proceeded with surfing trough ciber see, when ups here we go, around the corner, ambush, French, Englishmen, Americans, Australians, for

all the bells, Serbian terrorists, Islamist Serbian, Serbian member of the wahabbi movement

They got me confused, I'm sorry I did not know, I thought it just Adolf was Serb
Now it comes that Mohammed is also.

The inspiration of radical Christianity

or Russian Freemasons

Nothing is clear! Who am I actually? Can you have made some kind of agreement and let me know. It's not the problem, but it would be nice to

know. For the future relationship and working order.

original post

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